16. March 2017
The International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) will release a discussion paper Principles of Disclosure at the end of March.
Together with other associates accounting boards from Austria and Switzerland we, the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG), will like to invite all members and others to the following events:
1. To an education section, in which we are going to introduce the main parts of the document and refer to important proposals of change.
Date: Friday 28th, April 2017 from 10:00 am till 1:00 pm at the Airport Conference Center (room K20) in Frankfurt/Main.
2. And to a public discussion, where you will have the chance to interact and participate in a discussion with us, members of the IASB and EFRAG. This event will take place around the end of comment period in September and the date will be communicated in due course.
The participation in both events is free of charge. Due to logistics arrangements, please register until 19th April 2017 via mail to bahrmann@drsc.de.
We will inform you about the publication of the discussion paper in due time.